
Workshop 1 "Sustainability meets transnational Mobility"

Stays abroad offer a wide range of opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. Choosing a vocational training programme opens up further opportunities to shape and influence the professional world in a sustainable way, making both traditional and new professions suitable for the future.


With our sustainability workshop, we address the topic of sustainability together with apprentices during their stays abroad in order to gain insights from their time abroad for their personal and professional development.



Image rights: pixabay/Globetrotter                                                                                                                                          

Workshop 2 "Foster the transparency of Erasmus+ stays abroad"

The workshop aims to prepare trainees for their stays abroad. Together with the trainees, various methods are used to reflect on the potential but also the challenges of transnational mobility; the variety of competences that can be promoted during the mobility is demonstrated; the added value of mobilities is communicated transparently to their trainers (training company); the expectations of the trainees and their goals for their personal and professional development are defined and the quality requirements for the stays abroad are communicated. The scope and focus of the workshop can be customised as required.



Image rights: pixabay/Deactivated

Workshop 3 "Implementing the principles of sustainability in school and extracurricular programmes"

 The workshop concepts are developed individually according to the needs of the school and in cooperation with the school. The content is based on the ESD Strategy and on the Sustainability Strategy of Saxony as well as on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations


 Would you like to establish the topic of sustainability/education for sustainable development in your school but do not yet have a concrete idea of how? Feel free to contact us. 


You can find many examples and suggestions on our Instagram profile @coreduleipzig.


Image rights: pixabay/adonying                                                                                                                                                                            #Consultation